Indian Bitcoin Community Signs Petition Demanding Legal Status for Cryptocurrencies

The Indian cryptocurrency ecosystem recently woke up to a shocking news on leading media outlets. It was reported that the use of Bitcoin in the country is illegal and could attract penalties under anti-money laundering laws. However, the report was not entirely accurate, and the news platforms were quoting a Member of Parliament seeking the implementation of cryptocurrency regulations by calling Bitcoin a “Ponzi scheme”.

While the confusion was eventually cleared, the incident has sown the seeds of mistrust about the government’s stance on the digital currency. Going by the example of few drastic decisions taken by the government in the past, they have come together to demand some clarity from the government regarding its stance on cryptocurrency. They have started an online signature campaign, petitioning the government to award a legal status for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in the country.

The petition is probably the first strong public campaign organized by the recently formed Digital Asset and Blockchain Foundation of India. Addressed to Arun Jaitley — India’s Finance Minister, Urjit Patel – Governor of the Reserve Bank of India and S Selvakumar – the Joint Secretary of the Department of Economics Affairs Room, the petition makes a mention of various benefits offered by Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies and how it can be used for the betterment of the country. Also, it asks the government to take steps towards stopping bad actors who misuse the cryptocurrency than banning the technology and its use.
The petition on also says,
“Cryptocurrencies will be available irrespective and the illegal users do not care about its legal status. Please do not take hasty steps and prevent innovation, economic activity and jobs. This will only stop good uses of cryptocurrencies.”

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In a country which has a considerable percentage of the unbanked population and ranks at the top for receiving the highest remittance, Bitcoin can offer an efficient and inexpensive solution. The use of cryptocurrencies and their underlying technology will not only speed up the financial services sector but also a range of other industries. With the adoption of distributed ledger technology, the government can also combat rampant corruption and red tape. But strict cryptocurrency regulations will stifle progress in this regard, preventing the country from keeping up with the global trend.

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Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?

In 2009, he published the first Bitcoin client and communicated with the Bitcoin community by the end of 2010. Then he disappeared without a trace.
He initially worked with an open source team on the project and always put great value on not disclosing any personal data. In the spring of 2011 he heard about him when he said, “I will devote myself to other things.”

Was he Japanese?
You should not judge a book by its title, or do you?
“Satoshi” means “clear-minded”; “Naka” could mean “inside or relationship”; “Moto” means “origin or foundation”.
All these things fit the person who created a movement and created an ingenious algorithm. The problem is that each single word can have several meanings.

So we can not say for sure whether Satoshi Nakamoto is a Japanese. It only suggests that Satoshi is a “he”.
For the sake of simplicity, we will call Satoshi Nakamoto as “him,” even though he may have been one, one or more persons.
Does anyone know who Satoshi Nakamoto was?
No, but the criminal techniques people use these days often raise more questions than answers. The New Yorker Joshua Davis believes Satoshi Nakamoto is a cryptography student of Dublin Trinity College, named Michael Clear.
To his conclusion he came by an analysis of all Nakamoto letters containing more than 80,000 words. Here he searched for linguistic references. He also suspected the Finnish economic sociologist and former game developer Vili Lehdonvirta.

Both said they were not the inventors of Bitcoin. In a Web Summit in 2013, Michael Clear even reported publicly that he was not Satoshi Nakamoto.
Adam Penenberg of FastCompany denied the assumption and said that Satoshi Nakamoto is a group of three people: Neal King, Vladimir Oksman, and Charles Bry. He found out about this by stating different phrases from the published Whitepaper at Google to see if these word phrases had been found somewhere before.
It turned out later that one of the three was mentioned in a patent application for the update and distribution of cryptic keys. The domain that Satoshi Nakamoto used to publish the Whitepapers was registered and secured only 3 days after the patent application.
The domain was registered in Finland and one of the patent applicants traveled to the country 6 months earlier. All three suspects deny Satoshi Nakamoto.
In any case, the domain was registered on August 18, 2008 by an anonymous Japanese service provider and a Japanese ISP. After that, the domain has only been transferred to Finland. This weakened the theory of Finland a little.
Again, other tongues claim that the inventor of Bitcoin could also be Martii Malmi. Martii lives in Finland and has been involved in the development since the birth of Bitcoin.
Jed McCaleb also belongs to the circle of the elect. He is a lover of Japanese culture and lives in Japan. He is the founder of the controversial Bitcoin stock exchange, Mt. Gox, and co-founder of the decentralized payment systems Ripple and Stellar.
There are a variety of other potential Satoshi Nakamotos, including Donal O’Mahony, Michael Peirce, Professor Shinichi Mochizuki and Dorian S Nakamoto. All of them dispute the inventors of an ingenious invention. In the Bitcoin community there is still great uncertainty about the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto. In the Bitcoin trading community there is still great uncertainty about the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto.
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What do we know about Satoshi Nakamoto?
One thing we know: Based on interviews with fellow travelers of Satoshi Nakamoto in the early hours of birth of Bitcoin, he is supposed to have meticulously thought through the system.
According to Jeff Garzik, his encodings did not carry the handwriting of a conventional software engineer.How rich is he?
According to an analysis by the bitcoiner Sergio Lerner, Satoshi Nakamoto is said to have scavenged many of the first blocks in the Bitcoin network: about 1 million bitscoins. At the then rate in November 2013, more than USD 1 billion.
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What is Satoshi Nakamoto doing now?
Nobody knows. But from his last email of April 23, 2011, it is clear:
“I will now devote myself to other things. It’s all in good hands at Gavin & Co. “

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Russian Exchange Platform MaRSe Now Supports DASH, BitPanda Follows

DASH, the fastest growing cryptocurrency has expanded its footprint by getting listed on the leading Russian cryptocurrency exchange service, MaRSe. With this inclusion, the offline cryptocurrency exchange now supports both Bitcoin and DASH.

The third largest cryptocurrency in terms of market capitalization, DASH announced its partnership with MaRSe and another European exchange BitPanda in its recent press release. Following few recent technological breakthroughs and expansion initiatives, the cryptocurrency has gained traction across the community. It has resulted in an eight-fold increase in the price since the beginning of 2017 — rising from $11.21 to $90.40.
The platform’s partnerships make DASH even more easily accessible, further driving adoption and trade volumes. The Vice President of Business Development at DASH Daniel Diaz was quoted in the press release saying,
“We are very excited about Dash being added to BitPanda and to MaRSe. We are focused on improving access to Dash for users across the planet and it’s exciting to see spikes in demand from places like Europe and Russia. Firstly, BitPanda is the type of high quality broker we need on the Dash ecosystem; they offer multiple payment options as well as Bitcoin and Ethereum integration so it’s huge news for European users. Secondly, MaRSe is the largest and most reputable Russian exchange for bitcoin and now Dash, so we expect trading volumes to increase.”

The European BitPanda exchange formerly known as Coinimal has a broad reach and offers a range of payment options for its users. The platform has included DASH following an increased demand for the cryptocurrency among its user base, allowing them to make an instant purchase by paying with VISA/MasterCard powered credit cards, Sofort, SEPA, Neteller, Skrill or EPS/GiroPay. Meanwhile, those in Moscow can now walk into MaRSe outlet and trade DASH for Rubles or vice versa.
The year so far has been eventful for DASH, as it has entered into lots of strategic partnerships with leading cryptocurrency platforms like Bitfinex, BlockPay, Bitsane and more. Online crypto-wallet service FreeWallet and a leading hardware wallet company KeepKey have also extended their support to DASH. The latest Sentinel upgrade, paving the way for the upcoming Project Evolution that aims to present DASH as a go-to cryptocurrency payments system has pushed the cryptocurrency to the limelight. If the current pace of development is any indication, then DASH stands to make a lot of progress in the coming months, eventually commanding a much stronger position in the crypto-market.

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Bitcoin Exchange BitPrime Is Open For Business In New Zealand

It is good to see New Zealand is once again getting a bitcoin exchange platform. BitPrime plans to become a household name in the country over the next few years. The company provides a compelling service that allows users to buy and sell bitcoin without friction. It is evident the people who run BitPrime are very passionate about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, and it will be interesting to see how this company fares in New Zealand.
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Buying and selling bitcoin in New Zealand has not always been that easy. For a few years, cryptocurrency enthusiasts could make use of the BitNZ platform, although that company was forced to shut down after banking issues earlier this year. New Zealand is not the only region where banks want little or nothing to do with bitcoin as a whole, even if it hinders the growth of successful businesses.
BitPrime aims to bring bitcoin to mainstream consumers and companies once again. As of March 28th, the company is open for business and allows anyone to buy and sell bitcoin without friction. Moreover, the company focuses on making this process as straightforward as possible. BitPrime makes use of a third-party escrow service to ensure all clients’ funds is safe and secure at all times. Using such an escrow service is quite unique among bitcoin exchanges, that much is certain.
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What is even more intriguing is how BitPrime’s third-party escrow provider is none other than LocalBitcoins. This peer-to-peer trading platform has gained a lot of popularity over the past few years. All of the bitcoin being bought or sold will be held by LB until the payment is complete. Users can use bank transfers and cash deposits for their bitcoin needs. In a way, this makes BitPrime look more like a broker than an actual exchange, although it also means the company itself will not need to deal with liquidity.
It is evident New Zealand can become a big hub for bitcoin in the future. Similarly to other countries, the national banking system suffers from low interest rates. Investors are trying to diversify their portfolio whenever they can, and bitcoin plays a big role in the process. After all, the popular cryptocurrency can provide better yearly returns compared to savings accounts or any other type of traditional asset. There are plenty of opportunities abound where bitcoin is concerned, that much is certain.

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Ledger Grabs $7 Million For Its Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallets

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Things are going incredibly well for Ledger these days. People find bitcoins, ethers and other cryptocurrencies exciting again. And the French startup just raised a $7 million Series A round to make hardware security devices ubiquitous.
MAIF Avenir, XAnge, Wicklow Capital, GDTRE, Libertus Capital, Digital Currency Group, The Whittemore Collection, Kima Ventures, BHB Network and Nicolas Pinto participated in today’s funding round.
If you’ve been following cryptocurrencies for a while, you know that you shouldn’t trust bitcoin and ethereum startups that centralize everything. There have been many hacks, there will be more hacks. And you don’t want to trust some startup’s security team when you can do it yourself.
Sure, you can run your own bitcoin wallet on your computer. But hackers could still access your computer and your bitcoin wallet, so it’s still a point of failure.
Ledger makes hardware wallets for multiple currencies. These tiny devices have a secure element. You might not even realize it, but your smartphone also has a secure element to handle fingerprint readers or NFC payments, such as Apple Pay or Android Pay.
Ledger runs some tasks directly on the secure element, making it much more secure than running an app on your phone or your computer exclusively. This way, you can easily protect your bitcoins without a lot of security knowledge. Nobody can access the private keys on the device. And the device constantly checks the integrity of the firmware.

The company also makes sure that nobody can compromise the device during the manufacturing process. “When we manufacture the devices, all chips receive a Ledger certificate,” co-founder and CEO Eric Larchevêque told me. “When the device boots up, the computer sends a security challenge and the device answers.”
The Ledger Nano S is the company’s most popular device. It’s the size of a USB key and has a tiny display. After initiating a transaction from your computer, you’ll have to confirm the transaction on the device itself and enter your PIN code. This way, even if your computer has been compromised, the transaction order won’t go through on the device and you won’t be able to confirm the transaction.

The company also makes a high-end device with a built-in touch screen called the Ledger Blue. The Ledger Nano S costs around €70 while the Blue costs €275.
Ledger has sold more than 50,000 wallets so far, and the last few months have beat the company’s expectations by a wide margin. But cryptocurrency wallets are just the first step.
By running a secure operating system on a secure element, there are other potential applications. For instance, Ledger could sell chips so that companies working in sensitive industries can make sure their servers weren’t compromised. You can imagine hedge funds and financial institutions using Ledger products. Energy suppliers could also use Ledger’s technology to make sure that the consumption level is legit. That’s why the company is raising money to go beyond hardware wallets and find those industrial clients.

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The Brave New World Of Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency (2017)

Welcome to Brave New Coin’s Bitcoin 101. First-timers, we’d like to introduce you to the wonderful world of cryptocurrency; where payment is frictionless, free and instantaneous. welcome back. Read up, get to know Bitcoin better, and discover how cryptocurrency could change the world. Let’s get started.
                         BITCOIN APPAREL
Bitcoin is a digital currency (or cryptocurrency) that was first proposed in 2008 and created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. Satoshi’s identity is still unknown, many theories exist trying to figure out who he really is. Bitcoin was not the first attempt at making digital money , but it was the first to use a “Blockchain” to keep tally of who-owns-what with Proof of Work to verify transactions.
Bitcoins are created by computers and exist on the blockchain. In the early days, a single bitcoin was worth less than one tenth of a US cent, and they could be easily “mined” by a laptop or home computer.
Bitcoin quickly became popular with people who disagreed with the power governments had to devalue their savings by recklessly printing money and the irresponsible behaviour of the financial sector. It gained media attention early on for its use on the “Deepweb” and the online drug marketplace Silk Road but has since been adopted by businessmen, entrepreneurs and charities around the world for its unique features. Bitcoin is changing the way we look at money, in ways similar to how the Internet changed communication 20 years ago.
Bitcoins are “mined” by everyone participating in the Bitcoin network. The software is open source, and once connected, “miners” attempt to solve a complex math problem proposed by the algorithm, SHA256 (a cryptographic hash function). The key here is that the math problem’s difficulty changes. More computers mine bitcoin, the problem gets harder. Computers stop mining, and they become easier again, keeping the problem “10 minutes hard” and ensuring every ten minutes (on average), someone mining bitcoin solves a block, and receives the reward for doing so.
At time of writing, there are just over 13.2 million bitcoins in circulation. There will only ever be 21 million mined, with the last one scheduled to be mined in 2140.
The Blockchain is a transparent, public ledger system shared by all the nodes participating in the Bitcoin network. Every transaction that has ever taken place is recorded into the Blockchain (forever) and anyone can check it at anytime. This data is recorded on files called blocks, with each new block representing recent bitcoin transactions that have not yet been recorded. Think of it as a giant record book on the internet, that keeps tally of everyone’s bitcoin.
The blockchain is the heart of the Bitcoin protocol, with each 10 minute confirmation time forming Bitcoin’s heartbeat. Each confirmation cements recorded transactions with more and more strength as more blocks are built on top of them. This is why merchants wait sometimes for a certain number of “confirmations” before they complete a transaction, because each confirmation added makes it significantly harder for an attacker to successfully commit fraud.

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China Is Developing its Own Digital Currency

After assembling a research team in 2014, the People’s Bank of China has done trial runs of its prototype cryptocurrency. That’s taking it a step closer to becoming one of the first major central banks to issue digital money that can be used for anything from buying noodles to purchasing a car.

For users transacting over their smartphones or laptops, a PBOC-backed cryptocurrency probably wouldn’t seem much different to existing payment methods such as Alipay or WeChat. But for sellers, they would get digital payments directly from the buyer, lowering transaction costs as the middleman is cut out of the process.
At the same time as it builds up its own capabilities, the PBOC is increasing scrutiny of bitcoin and other private digital tenders. It doesn’t want a bitcoin bubble to blow up. And since currencies have historically been issued by the state, not private players, it doesn’t want to cede the cryptocurrency space to companies it has no control over.

Chinese people have embraced online payments for just about everything. To buy a can of Coke, thirsty commuters scan QR codes on their smartphones rather than feed coins into a vending machine. At Lunar New Year gatherings, money is exchanged via a few presses on a smartphone instead of crisp notes handed over in red envelopes.
All of that poses a challenge to the PBOC’s status as the central bank of both the digital and physical realms. So if you can’t beat them, join them.
"Getting to know more precisely how much banks lend, where the money goes and the pace of credit creation is key to curbing money laundering and making monetary policy more effective," said Duan Xinxing, vice president of Beijing-based OKCoin Co., one of the country’s biggest bitcoin exchanges. Issuing digital currency will make it easier for the PBOC to monitor risk in the financial system and track transactions economy-wide, he said.
OKCoin is among cryptocurrency exchanges that has recently taken steps to halt bitcoin withdrawals amid efforts to clamp down on capital outflows.

In January 2016, the PBOC said it will have its own cryptocurrency "soon," but there has still been no formal start date announced. In the meantime, there’s been strong advocacy from senior officials, including Fan Yifei, one of the PBOC’s deputy governors.
PBOC makes the case for taking the lead on digital currencies
It’s not just China that’s heading away from cash. Late last year, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi scrapped 86 percent of notes in tender in a bid to target corruption and push the use of digital payments. Bank of Canada, Deutsche Bundesbank and the Monetary Authority of Singapore are examining digital currencies.
Printing money and combating counterfeiters is expensive for a country of 1.4 billion people, especially the costs of managing circulation and transactions. Adding digital currency to cash in circulation can improve the speed, convenience and transparency of transactions.
"Cutting costs is an obvious benefit, but the impact of shifting to blockchain-based digital money from the current payment structure goes beyond that," said Larry Cao, director of content at the CFA Institute in Hong Kong. "There’s a potential you can pay anybody in the system, any bank, and any merchant directly. Blockchain will change the whole infrastructure. This is revolutionary."
Blockchain is basically a digital ledger that contains the payment history of each circulation of the unit. If the PBOC’s version is widely adopted, that would challenge existing intermediaries such as banks and payment services like Alibaba affiliate Alipay and Tencent’s WeChat -- two leading online payment networks.
"I won’t say banks and payment companies will disappear, but their role would definitely change," said William Gee, a risk assurance practice partner at PwC China in Beijing. "They need to find their new role in the new payment ecosystem, and we will probably see some innovative business model in this sector." 
Real-time data
For the PBOC, using blockchain, the technology that underpins the digital currency bitcoin, will allow it to trace transactions and collect "real-time, complete and authentic" data to compile precise monetary indicators such as money supply growth, OKCoin’s Duan said.
"The transparency of economic activities in every corner in the country will significantly improve," Duan said. "The central bank will have unprecedented knowledge of how the economy runs."

So instead of relying on monthly surveys of businesses, or collations of spending from the statistics authority, the PBOC and therefore the government would have real-time readings on the pulse of consumers. Policies could then be fine tuned on a day-to-day, even hour-to-hour basis, giving an unprecedented level of precision to monetary management.
A PBOC research paper last year outlined how digital money could work:
The PBOC creates cryptocurrency and transfers it to commercial banks when more liquidity is needed
Consumers would top up digital currency from modified automated teller machines or from bank tellers and store it in a crypto wallet on their mobile phone or other device
For purchases, consumers wire from their person wallet to the merchant’s account
The merchant deposits the cryptocurrency into their commercial bank account
The cryptocurrency would be part of the overall money supply, replacing part of the outstanding paper tender, a separate paper published in the central bank’s magazine said in September.
"Talking about the impact of digital money now is like trying to predict how the Internet would transform lives in the 1980s," OKCoin’s Duan said. "We know it’s going to be huge. It has the potential to change the entire economic infrastructure. We’re just not sure about when and how."


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Cryptocurrency: A Good Investment for 2017

A Cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange designed for exchanging information through a process made possible by the principles of cryptography. These principles are very important to Cryptocurrency because they secure transactions and control creation of additional units of the currency. In the simplest of terms — a Cryptocurrency is a digital currency.

In 2009, the first Cryptocurrency — Bitcoin — was announced. Bitcoin was created by a person using an alias, Satoshi Nakamoto. The technical system behind the creation and development of Bitcoin is known as blockchain technology. After Bitcoin was announced in 2009, hundreds of other Cryptocurrencies have been created and are commonly referred to as Altcoins. These Altcoins or digital currencies use the blockchain technology to verify and authorize transactions.
Cryptocurrencies are completely decentralized i.e. they are not controlled by the government in any way. This is because unlike fiat currencies like the US Dollar, Cryptocurrencies are not printed hence it can neither be controlled by government nor any bank. Ever since 2009, Cryptocurrencies have been growing rapidly. More people from the four corners of the world are becoming familiar with digital currencies. A lot of industries have also embraced the blockchain technology.
There are many factors that affect the development or collapse of the economy. Interest rates, inflation, monetary supply are just a few of these factors. Actions by central banking systems such as the Federal Reserve Systems may have a negative impact on the economy. Increasing or decreasing the amount of fiat currency in the economy may lead to collapse of the economy. More countries are currently operating on debts and some of them are responding by printing more currency to cover these debts. In times of financial distress the price of commodities rises and the value of the fiat currency goes down forcing investors to look at alternative means not tied to government bills like Cryptocurrencies.

There are various advantages of using Cryptocurrencies as compared to using fiat currencies. Besides being completely decentralized, it’s also possible to make transactions anonymously without revealing your real identity. Whereas transactions made through the bank system attract a lot of charges and fees some upfront and others hidden, transactions made through Cryptocurrencies attract only upfront charges that are very small. There are no hidden charges or fees. These advantages make Cryptocurrencies worthy investments. Many retailers have recognized that the Cryptocurrency world has grown rapidly over the years and hence are now accepting Cryptocurrencies as a mode of payment.
As I mentioned earlier, currently there are hundreds of Cryptocurrencies and it’s impossible to know all of them. Most of these Cryptocurrencies have been growing at a very fast rate. Just to mention a few of them; to start with Bitcoin, which is the most popular and the commonly used Cryptocurrency, the price for one Bitcoin is currently above the $1,000 mark and Bitcoin experts have stated that its price will continued to grow through 2017. Ethereum which is the number two Cryptocurrency only after Bitcoin also has some significant returns, this coin has grown forty times in the past two years. It grew from $8.24 to about $10.62, that’s a 28.88% increase in January (2017) alone. Other coins that have grown over the years and are considered worthy investments in 2017 include DogeCoin and LiteCoin. Monero is another Cryptocurrency that grew exponentially in 2016, this is because it has perfected the privacy or anonymity feature of Cryptocurrencies.
There are many ways in which one can acquire digital coins. You may decide to buy them online from exchanges and brokers such as CoinFloor and CoinCorner or you may decide to mine them. For you to mine them you will need to invest in mining hardware and software. You may choose to be a solo miner or a cloud miner. For cloud miners consider Genesis Mining. Genesis Mining offers miners an easy way to purchase hash power since they specialize in building the most efficient and reliable mining rig to help their clients mine profitably and for a long time. You only need to set up an account with them and fund it for you to start mining. There are no hidden charges with Genesis Mining i.e. it’s very transparent and you don’t have to go through the hassles of set up and maintenance of a mining rig. After mining you may decide to sell them and make some money.
There are other ways besides mining for you to make money from Cryptocurrency. You may decide to be a Crypto trader which is quite similar to Forex trading. The only difference is the pairing i.e. BTC/USD and so on. There are more than fifty pairings involving Cryptocurrencies so you only have to choose the one that best suits you. You may also decide to be a speculator by investing now in Cryptocurrencies that have huge potential such as Monero, then wait for a few months when their value grows and sell them. With the USD declining (by 2.6% by the end of January), people will tend to look at alternative currencies such as Cryptocurrencies. 2017 promises to be a good year for the Cryptocurrency world.

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